
The eZdrave app is constantly evolving and adding more and more new features that are extremely useful to users. This became clear in the technology show on the Bulgarian National Television (BNT) "Press F1", where the mobile application and its benefits were presented by Boris Kostadinov - Director of Software Integration in Information Services and by Ivaylo Stoychev - Project Manager in the company.
"In the module "Long-term health care" we are preparing a pilot functionality for pregnant women through the so-called "Pregnancy and Childbirth Path", which has very detailed information, with tips and guidelines for women who are about to give birth," said Boris Kostadinov. There will be recommendations on nutrition, necessary tests for pregnant women, when to seek medical help or that of a psychologist, etc. "The Certificates module, which includes students’ excuse notes, will be upgraded with the addition of electronic personal health cards, which are required for the start of the school year," Stoychev said.
The show explained, step by step, how to pair eZdrave with people’s electronic health record through the use of Qualified Electronic Signature (QES), how to provide additional protection through biometrics, activate the receipt of notifications, switch from the main profile to that of the child, etc. The main modules of the application - "Checks", "Vaccines", "Referrals", "Blood Donations", "Hospital Stay", "Prescriptions" and the contents of each of them were presented. Special attention was paid to the possibility for users to report fictitious procedures, which are visible thanks to eZdrave.
The eRx app, which is designed for physicians, was also presented in detail. By means of this app they can at any time write a white prescription. Even if there is no internet connectivity, it is stored as a record and when connected to the internet at a later stage, it is sent to the NHIS and is now visible in the eHealth app. "NHIS is a single system, and the two applications - eRx and eZdrave are different interfaces for different types of users to the system," said Boris Kostadinov.
The presentation of the eZdrave mobile app can be viewed on the show’s Youtube channel.