In less than two years Information Services has succeeded to digitalize key processes in healthcare, implementing key projects in the sector. The company has digitized a range of outpatient and inpatient care activities and created high-quality services to benefit patients, physicians, pharmacists and all the participants in the healthcare ecosystem. Among the main implemented projects are:
National Health Information System
National Health Information System (NHIS) is an open platform for storing and sharing medical information. The system is a common environment for medical data exchanging between the healthcare stakeholders. The NHIS defines a uniform format for these data as well as a uniform codification of the terminology used in common nomenclature. The medical data that are entered into NHIS are created and stored in a uniform format. The system has 9 basic and more than 30 upgrade versions, and has more than 330 functionalities.
Mobile app еZdrave
The mobile application developed by Information Services provides users with an access to their personal patient record and to all available electronic health documents in the NHIS - examinations, referrals, prescriptions, vaccines, laboratory test results, general health information, etc. Through it, parents have access to their children's patient records and the ability to activate the receipt of notifications related to the issuance of a new electronic health document - prescription, referral, lab result, etc.
Mobile app еRx
The mobile app gives all doctors who are members of the Bulgarian Medical Association and the Bulgarian Dental Association as well as veterinarians the opportunity to issue electronic white prescriptions from a smartphone or tablet when they do not have access to a computer with medical software. Via eRx, e-prescriptions in compliance with the NHIS requirements can be issued during home visits and other emergency situations.
Medical Expertise Control Information System (Labour Expert Medical Commission /National Expert Medical Commission)
A web-based information system that serves the entire process of certifying and re-certifying patients with permanent disability before the medical expertise authorities. The system maintains an electronic profile of all persons who have been or are subject to medical expertise. Through it, citizens can receive the LEMC referrals issued by the general practitioners.
The Information System for Control and Monitoring of Temporary Incapacity for Work Decisions
The Information System for Control and Monitoring of Temporary Incapacity for Work Decisions (ISCMTIWD) provides automation, traceability and control of the process of analysis of temporary incapacity for work documents of persons. The system allows integration of the information flows from the systems of NEMC, NSSI and NHIF.
Medications Protocols Processing System
Information Services developed a system for electronic issuance of "Protocol for prescription of medical products paid by NHIF / RHIF" (E-protocols). It improves and increases the effectiveness of the control by NHIF over the prescription, dispensing and spending of costly medicines. With the e-protocol introduction, the obligation of the insured persons to visit the Regional Health Insurance Fund (RHIF) and to submit medical documentation for protocol validation is removed.
Electronic Prescription Books
Through the established system for electronic prescription books to chronically ill patients, the paper equivalent is completely eliminated. Through digitalization, the process is simplified as much as possible, the time for serving one patient is reduced and the possibility of errors in the control of prescribing and dispensing medicines is minimized.
National Information System for Countering COVID -19
The system provides functional support for all activities related to the countering of COVID-19. It monitors the objective condition of sick persons, maintains an up-to-date register of sick persons, etc. A single information portal for official and up-to-date information and statistics in real time was created. The National Information System allows automated data exchange with the information systems of the Ministry of Interior – General Directorate of the Border Police and Regional Directorates of the Ministry of Interior. Information Services was among the first European companies to issue European green certificates for vaccination against COVID-19.