
More than 20 electronic services are available to citizens, businesses, state and municipal administrations through the new cadastral-administrative information system of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency (GGCA). These include building and land property sketches, extracts from cadastral maps, extracts from the cadastral register, from the zones of restriction, a scheme for a separate object, etc. This has been made possible thanks to the fully automated processes in the Agency of providing references and documents, which significantly reduces the time for providing the services. The web-based platform was launched on December 16, 2024, by Information Services, in cooperation with "Mapex" JSC and "Esri Bulgaria" under the project "Development of specialized information systems for spatial data of GGCA."
Now, with the new system, it is only a few minutes to wait for the issuance of a sketch for real estate (a land plot, a building or a separate object in a building), while before it used to take 3 days under a quick order. The platform saves to citizens and businesses transferring documents between institutions, waiting in queues, and incurring significant costs. The applicants can immediately receive generated documents and references in their personal profile in the system anywhere, anytime online, without having to comply with the working hours of the Agency.
"We built an entirely new system that meets all the international and European standards for spatial data and is in compliance with the regulations, network, information security and the e-governance," stated Snezhanka Smilkova, Deputy Director of "Software Integration" at Information Services. According to her, the platform has successfully replaced the outdated information system of the GGCA, which had been in operation since 2006, and lacked or had incomplete integration between the different registers and services in the Agency, so could not anymore respond to the increased number of requests for electronic services.
The new Cadastral and Administrative Information System integrates all the existing cadastral and specialized data systems - Cadastral Administrative Information System (CAIS), Cadastre and Property Registry Information System, the Geocartographic Electronic Archive Management System (GEAMS), the Information System under the Law on the Spatial Planning of the Black Sea Coast (SPBSC), the Register of Geographical Names, etc. The web-based platform is integrated with all the e-governance systems: e-authentication, e-delivery, e-payment, RegiX, etc. There is connectivity with the Information System of the Registry Agency, Property Register, Commercial Register and Register of Non-Profit Legal Entities (CRRNPLE), The Civil Registration and Administrative Services (CRAS), Bulgarian National Bank (BNB), Bulgarian Posts, as well as with companies for utility services payment.
The platform randomly distributes the received administrative services applications to all the territorial units of the GGCA, regardless of the location of the property, which reduces the time for their execution. The processes for providing internal electronic administrative services between different state and municipal bodies have been upgraded, reducing the administrative and financial burden on citizens and businesses.
Chronological data for properties have been added to the Cadastral and Administrative Information System, allowing the history of the properties to be viewed. All sketches have an access code and number, which can be used to verify whether they were issued by the Agency and whether they are up to date. For the land properties that are closed to the Black Sea coast, information on Zones A and B is provided, if the properties fall within them. Details of geographical names etc. have been added. Access to the cadastral map and registers is provided in an open format, allowing data publicity, accessibility, and the possibility of reuse.